Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So, it’s Sunday, and the preacher is talking to me. Well, the congregation, actually, but do you ever get the feeling that the preacher is directing attention to your pew? Creepy. Kinda like being in a museum, and the eyes on paintings are following you all around. But…I digress. He was talking about Godly wisdom. Nothing you can learn from going to college or anything, unless you are talking about seminary, I suppose. My preacher had an insightful way of talking about this, gaining Godly wisdom, but this FB note is just “inspired” by the sermon – not 100% what was said on Sunday morning. The point is that I DID get something out of it, and I felt like sharing. I have not mastered life’s lessons for sure, so don’t think that I am on a soapbox at the ripe old age of 29. I just wanted to pass this message along – that’s all.

So, whenever I am old, I don’t want to be wise – like – I know everything and you don’t, sista! (Two snaps). But, I truly want to learn from life and be wise from what I HAVE gathered and open to what is NEW always, always. So, to gain wisdom, first, you have to look up. And second, you have to step away from your own preconceived notions, diminish your own ego for a few seconds, and really take in what someone is saying. Say, you don’t agree with 95% of what they are telling you, if you learn from the 5%, then, it was worth it. Even if you don’t learn a thing, at least, they don’t think that you are an egotistical jerk. That’s always a good thing.

It’s easy to take ourselves so seriously. It’s like whenever you are a teenager, and you think that someone is talking about you just because they looked up and stopped talking whenever you walked by. That’s ridiculous! Maybe they just thought that you were “fabulous” – cool shoes or something. So, don’t assume the worst case scenario. Stop thinking about what you are going to say whenever the person in front of you stops talking. Stop looking at electronic gadgets whenever there is a living, breathing person in front of you. How weird. There was a study that I saw on the news about spouses preferring their blackberries to their spouses. Blackberries?! How terrible!

One thing for certain is that time moves forward, and we are all moving forward even if we are trying to remain safe, unmoved and stationary. If you are in a rut, or if something horrible is going on, no matter what, the next day is on its way, and the next night is on its way. Sun, moon, sun, moon, etc. So, you might as well approach life with a positive attitude. I am a big believer in positive thinking. I am not a nut case about it, but if you don’t think there is a solution, one is probably not going to magically appear. Makes sense to me. So, moving forward with a positive attitude in all things is much better than sulking or becoming numb to the opportunities all around you. (a.k.a. feeling sorry for yourself). Your life will change even if you are standing still, so you might as well be in the driver’s seat rather than letting the car of your life weave all over the place just because you can’t seem to find the “right” map. I know this is not always easy, especially right after tragedy strikes, but having a positive attitude with a “can-do” spirit is better than having a negative attitude. Gotta be. Just look at Eeyore. Do you want to eat thistles your whole life?

So, in a nutshell, truly enjoy what you have, listen to everyone’s ideas, think about where you are going, chill out, breathe, and don’t forget to live a little!

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